This research is being conducted by researchers from the Center for the Study of Health and Risk Behaviors at the University of Washington. This study has been approved by the University of Washington Human Subjects Division Institutional Review Board. If you would like to ask any questions about this information or about our confidential study, please call Dr. Anna Jaffe, the Principal Investigator, at 206-221-0355 or email us at

Please read the following information statement.

We would like to invite you to participate in a confidential research study about young adults’ health behaviors and experiences, including alcohol use, attention, and perception.

Please fill out this short survey that asks demographic questions (e.g., age, gender, race/ethnicity), health behavior questions, and contact information to see if our study is right for you.

If eligible based on today’s brief survey, you may be invited to participate in a research study in which you could earn up to $385 and be entered for a chance to win an additional $200 gift card. Details about the study are described below.

If eligible for the study and willing to participate, you would:

  • Schedule a 15-minute phone call with a member of our research team.
  • During the phone call, verify your name/identity and answer additional questions to determine if it is safe for you to participate in this study. If you are eligible, the research team member will review study procedures, answer any questions, and schedule a time for the initial lab session.
  • Come to our lab (located on the University of Washington, Seattle campus) for an initial visit compensated at $20 per hour. Typically, this visit lasts approximately 6 hours, but the amount of time can vary, with most visits lasting between 4 and 9 hours. During this visit we would ask you to verify your identity by showing a staff person your driver’s license or ID card, drink an alcoholic beverage, and answer questions on computers and your phone. You will relax in the lab until your BAC comes back down and it is safe for you to leave.
  • Over the next 2 months, answer brief surveys on your phone and wear a wrist-based alcohol monitor (compensation up to $235).
  • Return to our lab for a final 1-hour in-person session (compensated at $30).

We have a Certificate of Confidentiality from the U.S. federal National Institutes of Health (NIH) which allows us to keep your identifiable research information confidential from legal proceedings or in response to a legal request unless you give us permission to release it. You or a member of your family can share information about your part in this research if you wish.

There are some limits to this protection, including reporting things like child or elder abuse, monitoring by the agencies conducting the research, and others as listed elsewhere in this consent form.

The Certificate expires when the NIH funding for this study ends. Currently this is 08/31/2025. Any data collected after expiration is not protected as described above. Data collected prior to expiration will continue to be protected.

*If you are not eligible for this study, the answers to the next few questions will be saved for study purposes.

Please respond below and click NEXT (regardless of your answer).

Please provide a response.

You may save and/or print a copy of the informational statement above for your personal records. To save and/or print, please click here [v1.2]. If you don’t save and/or print it now, but decide later that you would like a copy of this information statement, you can contact the study team at 206-750-3150 or to obtain a copy.

If you have questions later about the research or if you feel you have been harmed by the study, you can contact the study at 206-750-3150 or If you have questions about your rights as a research subject, you can contact the University of Washington Human Subjects Division at 206-543-0098 or

Thank you for considering the REACT Study.

You indicated you did NOT want to participate in this questionnaire.

Click Submit to confirm your response.

Welcome to REACT!

The following questions will ask for your name and contact information. We ask for this information so we can contact you regarding your eligibility to participate in the study. Your contact information will be immediately separated from your survey responses to protect your confidentiality.

As a reminder, your participation is voluntary, and you are able to skip any questions you do not wish to answer. Please note, if we do not have any contact information, we will not be able to follow-up with you about your eligibility.

What first name would you like us to use when contacting you?

Please provide a response.

What is your last name?

Please provide a response.

What type of cell phone do you have?

Please provide a response.

What type of phone do you have?

Please provide a response.

What is your phone number? (include area code)

Please provide a response.

Do we have your permission to leave a voice message at the phone number you provided?

Please provide a response.

What is your email?

Please provide a response.

Enter your email again to confirm.

Please ensure email addresses are correct and match.

What would be the best way to contact you?

Please provide a response.

So we can follow-up with you about your eligibility, please list several days and times that would be best for you to receive a phone call:

Please provide a response.

What is your local address?


Please provide a response.


Please provide a response.


Please provide a response.

Zip code:

Please provide a response.

Where did you hear about the study? (Limit three answers)

Please provide a response.

Please specify:

Please provide a response.

Why do you want to get involved with REACT?

Please provide a response.

Would you like to be contacted about other research opportunities that may arise in the future?

Please provide a response.

Next, we’ll be asking about your background.

What sex were you assigned at birth?

Please provide a response.

What is your current gender identity?

Please provide a response.

Please specify your current gender identity:

Please provide a response.

Do you identify as transgender?

Please provide a response.

What is your current sexual identity?

Please provide a response.

Please specify your current sexual identity:

Please provide a response.

Which of the following best describes you? (Check all that apply)

Please provide a response.

Please specify:

Please provide a response.

What is your best estimate of your total household income from all sources, before taxes, in the last year? If you depend on your parents or share finances with a partner(s), consider their income along with yours.

Please provide a response.

What is the highest level of education you have COMPLETED?

Please provide a response.

Are you currently a student?

Please provide a response.

What is your age?

Please provide a response.

Do you have a photo ID displaying your date of birth that you can show to the study team?

Please provide a response.

Would you be willing to come to the University of Washington Seattle campus for in-person sessions?

Please provide a response.

Approximately how long would it take you to travel to the University of Washington Seattle campus?

Please provide a response.

Do you have significant visual impairment (e.g., blindness) that is not correctable with glasses or contacts?

Please provide a response.

Have you ever been diagnosed with color blindness (i.e., color vision deficiency)?

Please provide a response.

On average, how often did you drink alcohol during the PAST MONTH?

Please provide a response.

How many days in the PAST MONTH have you drank 4 or more drinks?

Please provide a response.

How many days in the PAST MONTH have you drank 5 or more drinks?

Please provide a response.

Below is a list of things that sometimes happen to people either during, or after they have been drinking alcohol. Please indicate whether that item describes something that has happened to you in the PAST MONTH.

In the past month...



I have driven a car when I knew I had too much to drink to drive safely.

Please provide a response.
Please provide a response.

I have taken foolish risks when I have been drinking.

Please provide a response.
Please provide a response.

I have gotten into physical fights because of drinking.

Please provide a response.
Please provide a response.

I have damaged property or done something disruptive like setting off a fire alarm, or other things like that after I had been drinking.

Please provide a response.
Please provide a response.

Below is a list of things that sometimes happen to people either during, or after they have been drinking alcohol. Please indicate whether that item describes something that has happened to you in the PAST MONTH.

In the past month...



As a result of drinking, I neglected to protect myself or partner from an STD or unwanted pregnancy.

Please provide a response.
Please provide a response.

When drinking, I have done impulsive things that I regretted later.

Please provide a response.
Please provide a response.

My drinking has gotten me into sexual situations I later regretted.

Please provide a response.
Please provide a response.

I have injured someone else while drinking or intoxicated.

Please provide a response.
Please provide a response.

Please click Submit to complete your survey.